Visitor Management System
Visitor Management System
In an effort to provide a safer environment for guests and staff members, Garnet Health Medical Center utilizes a Visitor Management System.
Garnet Health Medical Center’s visitor management system scans state or federal identification cards to produce a visitor’s pass that includes a photo of the visitor as well as the individual’s name, date, time of entry and destination. We also utilize metal detectors in our Main Lobby entrance.
For more information, please call 845-333-1000.
Visitor Management System FAQs
What is the visitor management process?
During visiting hours, entry to the facility will require each visitor to produce identification to be scanned. This provides hospital personnel with a more accurate headcount of visitors within the hospital.
What is considered acceptable identification?
A driver’s license, state-issued ID, U.S. military I.D. or passport.
Why is Garnet Health Medical Center using this system?
The new process will provide a consistent system to track visitors.
What if I forget my ID?
A first-time visitor who does not have a valid ID may be granted access after manually inputting their information into our system and having their picture taken.
Do visitors who are children need a state ID?
Children under 5 may be allowed to visit as long as an adult who has completed the check-in process successfully accompanies them at all times. Children ages 5-16 will be provided with an identical sticker as worn by the parent/guardian accompanying them.
What other information is taken from driver’s licenses?
We will only capture the visitor’s name, date of birth, and photo for comparison. Additional visitor data will not be gathered.
Will any data gathered through the scanning process be shared with anyone?
No data will be shared with any outside organization or authority.
Can Garnet Health Medical Center require parents to produce an ID before entering the building?
Yes. The hospital must be sure of who is in the facility, and where they will be visiting.
What about police officers, firemen and other uniformed or governmental officials?
On duty law enforcement and other first responders will sign the Police Log at the Guest Services Desk in the Main Lobby, bypassing the visitor management system. When law enforcement or other first responders are not on duty they will be required to follow the same process as visitors do.

Garnet Health Medical Center
Garnet Health Medical Center, formerly known as Orange Regional Medical Center, is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization.
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