Radiofrequency Ablation
Garnet Health provides expert radiofrequency ablation treatments to our communities throughout Orange and Sullivan Counties.
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Radiofrequency Ablation at Garnet Health
Garnet Health offers HALO Radio Frequency Ablation Therapy: an Endoscopic procedure that is a highly effective treatment for complete eradication of Barrett’s esophagus, a pre-cancerous esophagus condition.
“Ablation” is a technique where tissue is heated until it is no longer viable or alive. Physicians have used various forms of ablation for nearly a century to treat a number of cancerous and pre-cancerous conditions, as well as to control bleeding. HALO Radio Frequency Ablation Therapy is a very specific type of ablation, in which heat energy is delivered in a precise and highly-controlled manner.
Barrett’s esophagus tissue is very thin and is therefore a good candidate for removal with ablative energy. Delivery of ablative energy with this ablation technology is therefore capable of achieving complete removal of the diseased tissue and allows for the regrowth of normal cells without injuring healthy underlying tissue.
What happens during treatment with the HALO ablation technology?
Ablation therapy is performed in conjunction with an upper endoscopy. The treatment is performed in an outpatient setting and no incisions are involved. The HALO ablation technology consists of two different devices; the HALO360 and HALO90 ablation catheters. The HALO360 ablation catheter is capable of treating larger areas of circumferential Barrett’s esophagus, while the HALO90 ablation catheter is used to treat smaller areas.
Initially, a sizing balloon is used to size the esophagus. A correctly sized ablation catheter is then inflated within the affected area. The energy generator is activated to deliver a rapid burst of ablative energy which removes (ablates) a very thin layer of the diseased esophagus. The average procedure time is less than 30 minutes.
What to expect after treatment?
Patients may experience some chest discomfort and difficulty swallowing for several days after the procedure, both of which are managed with medications provided by the physician. In clinical trials, these symptoms typically resolve within 3-4 days. Patients are provided with anti-acid medications to promote healing of the treated esophagus and replacement of the diseased Barrett’s tissue with a normal, healthy esophagus lining. A follow-up appointment is scheduled within 2-3 months to assess the response to treatment. If there remains any residual Barrett’s tissue, additional therapy may be recommended.
How is GERD managed after a successful ablation?
Successful elimination of the Barrett’s esophagus tissue does not cure pre-existing GERD or the associated symptoms. Your physician will guide you regarding long-term GERD therapy.
The Heartburn Treatment at Garnet Health is designed and specialized in the treatment of severe and persistent cases of GERD, heartburn and acid reflux. Our expert staff understands your suffering and has the capabilities to thoroughly evaluate your condition and deliver an array of treatment choices that will finally provide the relief you deserve.
If you have GERD, you do not have to suffer. Contact us today at 845 333-2635 to begin your pathway to relief.

GERD & Heartburn Treatment Center
The Heartburn Treatment Center at Garnet Health is designed and specialized in the treatment of severe and persistent cases of GERD, heartburn and acid reflux.
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Barrett's Esophagus
Barrett's esophagus is caused by longstanding GERD and is a major risk for developing cancer of the esophagus.
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